Amanda Tumminaro lives in the U.S. She is a poet and short story writer and her work has been featured in Thrice Fiction, The Radvocate and Stickman Review, among others. Her first poetry chapbook, “The Flying Onion,” will be released through The Paragon Journal in the spring of 2018.
Portrait of Emotions
Emotions are as important as organs,
and just as susceptible to danger.
They are a jury and victim to words,
target to rocks and dagger.
So, the country of what I feel
is based on belief and not fact.
It all comes down to if it’s logical,
and if you shall believe the logic.
They are not subject to x-ray,
and can be distorted by convenience,
and morphed by time or theme,
traveling with me like a third ear.
Mother at a Concession Stand
Before the showing of the film,
I stand at the counter with my brood.
Which candy would suit me best?
The stand is lit up like a bulb.
Okay! I choose our destiny:
A soda, popcorn and Milk Duds.
I’m a few dollars short,
and now it’s like Sophie’s Choice;
Which child to sacrifice?