“A Dog’s Ode to Her Girl” by Kristina Heflin

she says i save her
            life but I knew when
            she sat beside me
on that dirty bed
                       she would be my saviour

i’ve watched her hurt
            a thousand times

i was there when he
used her
            when she was betrayed
by family

           we made a run into the dark night

i’ve followed her
across country
            more than once
and i would again

           when i fall
asleep every night
i make sure i can
feel her breathe
            make sure she doesn’t
                       give up

Kristina Heflin is a riding instructor, originally from Northern California. She has served on the editorial board of the literary journal Flumes. She has been published in the literary journals Flumes, Canyon Voices, Fearsome Critters, and Broad River Review, the websites 2Elizabeths, the write launch, Underwood, Shelia-Na-Gig and Passaic/Voluspa as well as the anthologies Diverse Minds and The Beckoning. Future publications include Duck Lake Journal and Coffin Bell Journal. When she’s not writing, she enjoys riding her own horse, Lucero, and hiking with her dog, Jessie.