“On Having Children” by Matt Dennison

Given the choice
of never needing to
eat, with the resultant
suffering no greater
than mild curiosity,
boredom, or a slight
distaste as one watched
the others going through
the motions of feeding
the beast that, once roused
through sensual pleasure
will not lie down until
death, I would have to think
long and hard. But, oh!—
how the aroma of garlic
and onions sizzling in butter
makes the whole house sing!

Matt Dennison is the author of Kind Surgery, from Urtica Press (Fr.) His work has appeared in Rattle, Bayou Magazine, Redivider, Natural Bridge, The Spoon River Poetry Review and Cider Press Review, among others. He has also made short films with Michael Dickes, Swoon, Marie Craven and Jutta Pryor.