“To Roam at Last” by Gonzalo Adolfo

On the Road in the West

toast to the new
year and my way,
to roam at last

across South Dakota…

arteries streaming over hills
through the plains, red
highways of the rangelands

posted at the rest
stop for pissing, a
sign says no hunting

in Bighorn National Forest…

towering over dense hills
of forest, snow-capped
peaks shine like diamonds

wildlife of Wyoming…

a posted warning speaks
the truth, herd of
slow cows stopping traffic

grazing along the shoulder
of the road, family
of cows, hello darling

picking at the grass
among the pebbles, mama
and baby sheep roadside

an impromptu stop to
refuel, cow milks her
young on the road

a crossroads for the
wildlife, cows line up
to cross the highway

with Yellowstone on the horizon…

from dry plains rolling
to lush hills distant,
mountains go into clouds

vast open space for
miles, a skinny-legged
fawn on the prairie

Gonzalo Adolfo is a Bolivian-American writer and author of the novel, No Rush for Gold, and the poetry volume, Gone to War. His international publication credits include The Opiate, Black Bamboo Haiku Anthology, and Vita Brevis. He lives in Berkeley, California. Follow his work at: bumhew.com