“Why Beauty” by Tanya Fenkell

The perplexity of joy and
jolting why of beauty: consider
the spiral, the raindrop, the branch;
poppies, pinecones,
the ocean.

That drift state before sleep,
the general ache of
wistful longing.
The exquisite pleasures
of love.

The treasure of attention,
unnamed gifts of unbearable gravity,
the numberless ways
inadvertently reveals.

Then, a tickle
on my arm, a
ladybug climbing my shoulder,
this tiny weight of
uncountable wishes.

Tanya Fenkell is a Canadian artist and writer. She lives in Toronto with her husband and three sons. As an artist, she explores solitude and solitary spaces. She exhibits her paintings regularly and her artwork is held in private collections in Canada and the US.