“Lemonade” by Shreya Datta

As my sorrows fade
Contentedly I sit in the shade
And think how nice it is
To enjoy all this delicious lemonade
That I alone bravely made
With some giant lemons

Sliced with my own pains sharp blade
Sweetened with hard-earned lessons
Water from the fountain of my youth
Tastes like wisdom, sparkles like truth

I want no more lemons
But what I want is moot
If I get more lemons anyway
Lemonade recipe mastered
I will most certainly be okay.

Shreya works in the tech industry and is a 1st generation immigrant from India. She used to be a child poet once upon a time but stopped writing for decades until one fine day in 2020, she started writing poems again! She writes to process her feelings and to celebrate the highs, lows, and surprises of everyday life. It brings her much joy. She lives in South Philadelphia.