Shadow Form by J H Martin

J H Martin is from London, England but has no fixed abode. His writing has appeared in a number of places in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Website:    Instagram: @acoatforamonkey


Shadow – Form

To earth and sky
Lit up by
Both sun and moon
These spheres of frost
And these worlds of dew
I wander with you –
My only friend

Neither me
Myself nor you
Have the trappings of a life

The key to some property
Or to some other time and place
Which will not flourish
Only to then swiftly decay

Both you and I
May be poor in wisdom
But I am not nor was I ever
In doubt of one thing

We come alone and we leave alone
Joined by the ignorance
Of our one truth and one truth alone

My shadow is form and my form is shadow

There is nothing else
For either of us to assert or to posit
Just as there is no other nature
For us to ever know or to find

Beneath that blue sky
Beyond this infinity of worlds