Leopards by Ella Syverson

Ella Syverson is a junior at a project based charter high school in northern Wisconsin where she is able to pursue her passions: creative writing and social justice. You can find her previously published work in Youngzine, 101 Words, Shady Grove Literary, and Silver Pen’s Youth Imagination.


It’s dusk. Maybe I should call for a ride. The streetlights are off. That means it’s not quite night yet. In fact, it’s not even that dark. It’s only a few blocks. I’ll take Edge Street so I don’t pass the skate park. No need to call.

Shit, someone’s coming. He’s not too much bigger than me. I could probably take him. What the hell are you thinking? It’s just a guy. Eyes down. You don’t owe him a smile. You don’t owe him anything. Stop holding your breath. He’s passed now. Don’t look back. Stop getting so worked up over nothing.

Home now. Breathe.

“Hi, honey! Did you have fun with Courtney? Next time text before you leave, ok? Just in case.”

“Is Jason back from practice yet?”

“No, I let him stay late for conditioning, but Caleb’s here. I thought we could watch a nature documentary. There’s one about leopards that sounds good…”

“Sure, Mom. Whatever.”

Mumbai now holds the largest concentration of leopards in the world. These deadly cats stalk the city streets, preying on livestock, and occasionally even attacking people.

“Oh my god. Imagine walking by yourself at night. That would be totally terrifying.”

Caleb. Little does he know.