Thunderstorm by John Jay Speredakos

JOHN JAY SPEREDAKOS is a NY-based professional actor and writer with a BA from Muhlenberg College and an MFA from Rutgers University. He has appeared on and off-Broadway, in films, TV, commercials and radio dramas and is a devoted daddy to his daughter, Calliope. Recent publications include poetry in Typishly, Cathexis Northwest Press, Chaleur Magazine, Prometheus Dreaming, River Heron Review, Gravitas: Volume 18 Issue 1, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, and upcoming in Bluestem, Alternating Current, Portrait of New England and Duck Lake Journal. More info, photos, etc. can be found on IMDb at:


God’s stomach growls
as He opens and shuts
His refrigerator door
several times.
What will happen–

what dams will burst
what crops will fail
what ice cream scoops
will topple
from their cones
and plummet
to the pavement–

when He realizes
He’s out of mayo?