“Time’s A Wastin'” by David Williams

The many little corners of a day
Are stuck in places that you’ll never find
Until you’re ready to come out and say
Exactly what was furthest from your mind.

When nighttime comes you shouldn’t shake your head
At spaces you refused to enter in,
But know your willful choice to climb in bed
Will slickly end what you never began.

Smack in between these times of indecision
Just stop and take a moment to suppose
What might be lost without your lone revision,
The little whiffs only under your knows.

The empty spaces on a calendar
Are not just there so you’ll know where you are.

David L Williams is recently retired from 34 years teaching high school English in Lincoln, Nebraska, his primary residence since going to college there in the 80s. For inspiration, he enjoys sitting on the two steps leading down to their patio and looking out back. He shares the home with his 30 year living partner, Mary, who unknowingly models for some of his poems.