“Code Words” by David Williams

If one line of a sonnet was a password
It might require Shakespearean skill to crack
And your security could rest assured,
Safe even from a brute force app attack,

So if my hackers chose to wax poetic
By trolling around in my predilection,
They now know that I also am strategic
In my use of 14 line misdirection.

It’s true that lines from sonnets do have uses
For purposes outside of electronics,
(i.e.) words quoted from the lofty muses
Might cool hurt lovers abject histrionics,

But whether parsed for digits or for passions,
Iambs have applications for what happens.

David L Williams is recently retired from 34 years teaching high school English in Lincoln, Nebraska, his primary residence since going to college there in the 80s. For inspiration, he enjoys sitting on the two steps leading down to their patio and looking out back. He shares the home with his 30 year living partner, Mary, who unknowingly models for some of his poems.