“Only Dark The Cocoon” by W.D. Brown

Only dark the cocoon.
Waiting for wings.
In weight—an undeveloped brain,
In emptiness—a space to fill in.
Only choice—adhere to the wind,
To the rain,
To the sun,
To the belly of a shrew.
From inside hear a sigh—
Congestive body tattoo.
Wanting to look around awhile—
Curiosity, the essence of nature,
Embryonic, the need to express,
When silence is the only answer.
Cosmos share the same—
An advancing memorial light,
An untampered vamping void.
For that hush that is heard—
The phantom reticence,
Mind equal to matter,
Equal to the weight of the brain,
Equal to the stain of space.
So nothings really in the way.

W.D. Brown is a Dad, bluesman, teacher/coach, poet, work in progress from Kansas City. He performs songs he wrote throughout the Midwest and released his debut album “From A Child” in 2018. You can find his work at www.wadedbrownmusic.com, Spotify, iTunes, or wherever else you stream music.