“maybe i should start another garden” by Julia Teters

I use a crayon to color in the sky,
and resist the urge to write your name in the stars.
A gust of wind carries me home,
and by the time I arrive, there is a huge storm.
My cat nestles by the furnace below the window,
darting his eyes every which way,
following the sudden sound of the leaves
rustling harshly in the trees.
I sit on the hardwood floor beside him
and remember a time when there was
a garden outside my window.
I close my eyes and remember
how the wet dirt felt on the soles of my feet,
how I met the earth with patience,
awaiting the possibility that tomorrow
there might be a yellow flower sprouting
from the vine of the cucumber,
how I reveled in my own solitude-
how I trusted the sun,
how I knew the water
would reward me in shades of green
and red
and purple.
Now I try to rearrange the stars
in a way that makes sense,
I allow the rain to make me weep
and I let you take the crayon from my hands
and color in the rest of the sky.

Julia Teters is a writer and yoga instructor from New Jersey. She has been teaching various styles of yoga for the past 10 years and began her own personal practice at the young age of 15. Yoga has been a staple in her life, along with writing and music. She is very passionate about advocating for accessible mental health care and awareness, based on her ongoing struggle with anxiety, OCD and depression. She has consistently turned towards movement and creativity when struggling with these issues and wants to share these experiences with others struggling.